JAPAN AROUND THE WORLD connect 2018 • 91 November, 2017 The Ireland Funds Japan was officially launched as a registered Non-Profit Organization (NPO) at the Embassy of Ireland Residence in Tokyo. Opening the re- ception attended by 70 key supporters, Ireland’s Ambassador to Japan, Anne Barrington, spoke of the origin of The Ireland Funds in the 1970s and the great work it has been accomplish- ing ever since. She spoke of the Irish community in Japan, which, though small in number, about 1,200, has had an out- sized influence and reach. She said it was a particular plea- sure to launch The Ireland Funds Japan chapter in the 60th year of diplomatic relations between Ireland and Japan. Board Member John Fallon spoke of his involvement with The Ireland Funds Australia and, in particular, the energy of the Young Leaders. He was delighted to organize this year’s inaugural Young Leaders 5K race in Japan which attracted one of the biggest num- ber of participants anywhere in the world. Matthew Connolly, President of The Ireland Funds Japan, spoke of the plans the chapter has for the future and the beneficiaries it intends to support. He thanked his fellow founding Board Members in- cluding John Fallon, Yvonne Hayes, Harry Sweeney and their auditor Conor Canavan. He also thanked Patricia Delahunt for chairing the 2018 Emerald Ball Tokyo. Kieran McLoughlin, Worldwide President & CEO of The Ireland Funds, thanked the Ambassador for her hospitality and support and congratu- lated Matthew and his Board Members on this milestone. He congratulated them also on the support they were delivering to the I Love Ireland Festival, Support Our Kids and The Irish Network Japan. He reflected on the great growth The Ireland Funds was experiencing in Asia and noted that the chapter had established an important arch between Ireland and Japan while delivering real support where it is needed most. The Ireland Funds Japan Official Launch Reception 1 4 2 5 3 6 1 Lauren Kerr, Jane Szafraniec 2 John Fallon, Kieran McLoughlin, Amb. Anne Barrington, Matthew Connolly, Yvonne Hayes, Conor Canavan 3 Matthew Connolly, Amb. Anne Barrington 4 Amb. Anne Barrington 5 Amb. Anne Barrington, Matthew Connolly 6 Taka Daiya, Ayumi Miyano Photos: Keith Crowley, TOKYOFOTOS