connect 2018 • 25 “When we made our funding application for support from The Ireland Funds we were clear in our focus. By supporting the very best charities committed to transparency accountability and delivering impact we would help drive this sector forward. And that has been our strategy ever since. With- out the support of The Ireland Funds, this road map would not have been possible.” — Lucy Masterson, CEO, Charities Institute Ireland Photo: Aengus McMahon The Importance of Ireland’s Nonprofit Sector 500,000 PEOPLE ACROSS IRELAND VOLUNTEER WEEKLY WITH NOT-FOR-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS. JOBS CREATED IN IRELAND • Ireland’s not-for-profit sector = 132,000 jobs • Ireland’s tech industry = 86,000 jobs • Ireland’s construction industry = 87,000 jobs IRISH CHARITIES CREATE A POSITIVE SOCIAL IMPACT AND ARE AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THE FABRIC OF SOCIETY. Irish charities contribute €5.5 billion to the Irish economy (Food and Agriculture contribute €4.6 billion, Tourism contributes €5.5 billion, Construction contributes €5.7 billion)