connect 2018 • 112 NEWS Bill Murphy is President of Douglas Management & Realty Inc. Prior to this position Bill was a Vice President at Chase Manhat- tan Bank. Born in Ireland, he now resides in Florida. Bill is a Graduate of University College Cork and New York University. Bill has been involved with The Ireland Funds for over 10 years. He has taken on a number of key leadership roles including Chair- ing the Palm Beach Dinner in 2017 and serving on the Committees for the New York Dinner, the New Jersey Golf Classic and the Palm Beach Dinner for numerous years. Jim Rooney is the Co-Founder and Partner of FirstLink Research & Analytics. Prior to this role, Jim served as President of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Ventures and Assistant Director of the University of Pittsburgh’s Institute for Entrepreneurial Excellence (IEE). Jim is a graduate of Boston College and is based in Pitts- burgh. Jim’s father, the late Ambassador Dan Rooney, Co-Found- ed The Ireland Funds and members of the Rooney family have been stalwarts of The Ireland Funds since its inception. Jim and the Rooney family have been the driving force behind The Ireland Funds’ Pittsburgh Dinner since 1989. THE IRELAND FUNDS AMERICA is proud to introduce our newest Board Members BILL MURPHY, President, Douglas Management & Realty Inc. JIM ROONEY, Co-Founder and Partner, FirstLink Research & Analytics