The Ireland Funds America has over 40 years of experience connecting philanthropic vision with initiatives that make a difference. Your lasting partnership with The Ireland Funds America builds a bridge between the past and the future, helping ensure the work you value today will continue to make a difference tomorrow. Make a Lasting Gift to Ireland JOIN THE HERITAGE SOCIETY TO ENSURE THAT YOUR LOVE OF IRELAND BENEFITS GENERATIONS TO COME. The Ireland Funds America can help you identify the best options to fulfill your philanthropic vision. Bequests are the most popular and flexible planned gifts. It is a simple matter to include a bequest to The Ireland Funds America directly in your will or in a codicil to your will. In addition to bequests, there are many other tax-efficient options to choose from: • G I F T O F S E C U R I T I E S • R E A L E S T A T E • G I F T S O F L I F E I N S U R A N C E • L I F E I N C O M E G I F T S • G I F T S O F P E R S O N A L P R O P E R T Y , S U C H A S A R T W O R K , R A R E B O O K S , E T C . In many cases, The Ireland Funds America may not be aware that you are considering including us in your estate plans. Please contact us to let us know of your intentions so that we may, in turn, acknowledge and recognize your future contributions. Your legacy will be treated with care. connect 2018 • 110 THE HERITAGE SOCIETY