connect 2018 • 68 AROUND THE WORLD BOSTON July 2017 The Ireland Funds welcomed over 160 support- ers and friends to its annual Nantucket Celebration. Due to heavy rain and gusty winds, the gracious and unflappable hosts, National Director Bob Reynolds and his wife Laura, moved the outdoor event into their home. Following a warm welcome by National Board Director Bob Reynolds, Steve Greeley, The Ireland Funds’ New England Director and Vice President of Development, thanked Chairmen Bob & Laura Reynolds, Bill Belichick & Linda Holliday and Jim & Susan Geraghty, and saluted their Committee for producing the largest Nantucket Celebration held in many years. He also thanked the guests for their generosity, and National Board Directors Anne Finucane, Leslie King Grenier, Jack Manning, Elizabeth Bagley and Bob Reynolds for their leadership and service to the organization. Worldwide President and CEO of The Ireland Funds Kieran McLoughlin then spoke about economic conditions in Ireland and the continued importance and relevance of The Ireland Funds’ work in Ireland. He pointed out the recent expansion of Music Generation made possible by recent support from by U2, the Irish Government, The Ireland Funds and Bank of America. Steve then introduced Honoree Dr. Margot Hartmann, the President and CEO of Nantucket Cottage Hospital, noting her outstanding stewardship in helping lead Nantucket Cottage Hospital’s recent capital campaign to fund a new hospital building. Dr. Hartmann spoke of her Irish roots and acknowledged several Ireland Funds’ supporters who were also supporters of the hospital. Nantucket Celebration 1 3 2 4 1 Laura Reynolds, Bob Reynolds, Linda Holliday, Jim Geraghty, Susan Geraghty, Steve Greeley 2 Kerrie & Jim Coughlin, Ryan & Alexis Sillery 3 Andy Arnott, Tom Greeley, Matt Dwyer 4 Connie Hubbell, Mike Barnicle & Anne Finucane Photos: Cary Tozer