connect 2018 • 24 1) Ethical Fundraising Your board has formally adopted the Guidelines for Charitable Organizations on Fundraising from the Public. Your staff, volunteers and anyone else fundraising on your behalf are fully trained on the requirements and you have implemented controls to ensure that all your fundraising practices are fully in line with the “Guidelines” and any related Codes of Practice. You review and report annually on compliance. 2) Annual and Financial Reporting Your charity prepares a trustees annual report and financial statements in full compliance with the Charity SORP (Standard of Reporting Practice under FRS102) and makes them easily available to the public on your website. 3) Governance Your board has formally adopted and is publicly signed up to the Governance Code for the Community and Voluntary Sector (or an- other Governance Code). Your charity has adopted the recommended practices under each of the five principles of good governance as appropriate to the size and scale of your organization and you have a plan in place for ongoing review and self-evaluation. WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR A CHARITY IN IRELAND TO ACHIEVE THE TRIPLE LOCK STANDARD? CHARITIES INSTITUTE IRELAND When our sector is weak, people suffer. Our job is to continue to build on the work we have done, to continue to educate and professionalize what we do, to continue the implementation of the Triple Lock, to con- tinue to drive the stories of impact. To always be forward looking and striving to be the best we can be. That is why with the support of The Ireland Funds we were able to commission the largest piece of research on the sector for many years. Charities Institute Ireland and Amarach Research designed ‘Charities 2037’ as a program of research with the aim of providing stakeholders with an opportunity to consider how the charity sector should evolve over the next two decades. We wanted to both engage and challenge people to describe how they see the role of charitable organizations developing in contemporary Ireland. The research was conducted with 1000 members of the public, 350 staff of charities, 100 volunteers and in-depth interviews with 25 leaders and opinion form- ers from across the business, political, media and academic landscape. Charities 2037 is a study that began with the end in mind. It sought out current perspectives so that we could build on the sectors strengths and address weaknesses and concerns. It concludes that the Charity sector will remain a core part of Irish society in 2037 but for that to happen it needs to plan strategically. Charities Institute Ireland will build on this strategic framework in 2018. A full copy of the Study is available on the Charities Institute Ireland website. LOOKING TO THE FUTURE WITH HELP FROM THE IRELAND FUNDS: CHARITIES 2037