CHINA AROUND THE WORLD 7 5 8 6 1 Peter Huijbers, Angelyn Lim, Sally Begbie 2 Dewey & Yvonne Yee, David Power 3 Bettyana & Phil Yellen, Derek & Yating Kenny 4 Sally Begbie, David Livingstone 5 Malcolm Begbie, Sukhdeep Singh Sandhu 6 Emily Au Young, Kate Falconer, Zara Packham 7 Steve Togher, David Simpson, Niall Kelly 8 Yi Jie Ding, Donal Boylan Photos: Fuyang Duluca December, 2017 The Ireland Funds China made a signifi- cant donation to Pieta House in Lucan, Dublin to support their suicideandself-harmpreventionservices.TheDarknessIntoLight Hong Kong committee chaired by Niall Kelly, together with David Simpson, Grants & Programmes Director at The Ireland Funds China, also presented a cheque from 2017 proceeds to Clarence Chin Kwok Tsang the Executive Director at Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong. The presentation was made at the Consulate of Ireland to Hong Kong & Macau open First Friday morning session, hosted by Consul General Peter Ryan. The Ireland Funds China – Darkness Into Light Hong Kong Donation 1 1 A cheque presentation to Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong connect 2018 • 87