connect 2018 • 23 Cii works with each organization to assist them on their journey to best practice, good governance and transparency. To date we have 180 members, the best known and well-regarded charities. The Charities Regulator’s Register lists in excess of 8000 charities with an estimated value in excess of €5bn. Combined, our member organizations account for €2.2bn which demonstrates the size and scale their operations. • The Triple Lock: transparent reporting, good fundraising and governance We have developed the Triple Lock Standards mark, a visible way to demonstrate to donors and beneficiaries that we are cognizant of the trust they put in us and of the impact they expect us to deliver. The Triple Lock mark is awarded to members who are exemplars in transparent reporting, ethical fundraising and good governance structures. I am delighted to report that our members who are fully Triple Locked have doubled in numbers in just one short year. • A Code of Practice: We have developed the first set of legally reviewed Codes of best practice for Fundraising. Long awaited by the sector, the Codes provide the necessary guidance on what must and should be done by those undertaking fundraising activity. • Professionalizing: We are building a stronger sector through the development and delivery of high quality training and education in fundraising and financial reporting. Staff of nonprofit organizations can avail of classes across a range of topics including all aspects of fundraising, financial management, data protection and communications, instilling a cross disciplinary mindset charity wide. We are delighted to say that over 600 people have been through one or more of our accredited training programs in the last 12 months. We are living in a period of transition and change. The latest revolution in technology and economics have changed the way we shop, the way we bank, the way we consume media. Our sense of local engagement has changed. And, the charity sector in Ireland has also undergone a huge period of change. Until recently, it was unregulated, scandals occurred, and public trust has sadly eroded. This has made rebuilding trust and confidence a slow and painful process. Through this period of uncertainty and change gave rise to CHARITIES INSTITUTE IRELAND. We were formed as a result of a merger between two organizations who represented the charity sector. ICTR (Irish Charities Tax Research) and Fundraising Ireland. We were established to help rebuild our sector and over the course of one year, we are proud at what we have achieved together with our members and with the support our funders. WHAT ARE THE TOOLS CII OFFERS TO THE NONPROFIT SECTOR?