connect 2018 • 77 TEXAS AROUND THE WORLD September, 2017 The Ireland Funds Fifth Annual Texas Emerald Ball was a Celebration of the many friendships be- tween Texas and Ireland. The evening honored June & Archie Bennett, as well as Board Director of The Ireland Funds America Kevin M. Curley. June Bennett was born in County Down, Northern Ireland. She has served on several boards and is the founder and Chairman of the Caledonian Foundation. Archie is founder and chairman of Remington Hotels, one of the largest privately-held hotel management companies in the U.S. Both he and June have made significant contributions to The Ireland Funds and to business, educational, political, and phil- anthropic landscapes throughout the world. Kevin Curley was the recipient of the Corboy Anam Cara Award. “Anam Cara” means “Soul Friend” in Gaelic. Kevin was the chairperson for the Downtown Dallas St. Patrick’s Day Parade for 15 years and founder of the Shamrock Shootout Golf Invitational. Attendees included Shelly & Tom Codd who served as Honorary Chairs of the Ball, Chairman of The Ireland Funds America John Fitzpatrick; Worldwide President & CEO of The Ireland Funds Kieran McLoughlin; Ellen & Andy Welch and Ann & Waymon Levell, Co-Chairs of the event. In addition to supporting outstanding nonprofits across the island of Ireland, The Ireland Funds has contributed to local Dallas charities for many years. Our Friends Place was this year’s chosen local charity. 5th Annual Texas Emerald Ball 1 4 2 5 7 3 6 8 1 Kevin Curley, Stacy Evans 2 Andy Welch, Archie & June Bennett, Waymon Levell 3 Tom & Shelly Codd 4 Tom Codd, Andy Welch, Shelly Codd 5 Andy Welch, Waymon Levell 6 Mike Corboy, Kevin Curley 7 Stephen Douds, Dolores McCall, John Fitzpatrick, MaeBeth Fenton-Martin, Sir Bruce Robinson 8 John Fitzpatrick, Kelley Geary Burks, Kieran McLoughlin Photos: Can Turkyilmaz