September, 2017 The Washington DC Young Leaders gathered for their annual Halfway to St. Patrick’s Celebration at Ajax. The event committee arrived early to mingle and enjoy a toast before the main party began. Honoree Matt Walsh, the Emmy-nominated star of Veep on HBO arrived, along with other VIP guests, including Ireland’s new Ambassador to the US, Dan Mulhall and Norman Houston, Director of The Northern Ireland Bureau. National Director of The Young Lead- ers, Pat Tully welcomed the guests, Amb. Mulhall made brief remarks and DC Steering Committee Chair, John McCarthy thanked the committee. Matt Walsh took to the podium to accept the Irish Spirit Award. Matt spoke about starting the Upright Citizens Brigade Theater in New York and his fond memories of growing up in an Irish-American household in Chicago. Pat Tully conducted a live auction that included a trip to Ireland courtesy of Delta Air Lines. Special thanks to the event committee and sponsors: The Northern Ireland Bureau, Merrill Lynch, DayBlink, Blessinger Law Firm and Union Beer Distributors. October, 2017 The Washington, DC Young Leaders gathered for their annual Samhain Irish Halloween at the Embassy of Ireland. Many guests arrived in festive attire and costumes to celebrate the Irish Halloween tradition of marking the end of the harvest season. Later in the evening, Ambassador Dan Mulhall officially welcomed the Young Leaders and thanked them for being ambassadors for the Irish diaspora and the next wave of support for The Ireland Funds’ future. Pat Tully then thanked the DC Young Leaders for their recent support at the Halfway to St. Patrick’s Day Celebration and introduced DC Steering Committee Chair John McCarthy, who encouraged those gathered to attend the upcoming Young Leaders Summit taking place in Washington, DC in January of 2018. Washington DC Young Leaders Halfway to St. Patrick’s Day Washington DC Irish Samhain Halloween at The Irish Embassy 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 Halfway to St. Patrick’s Committee with Matt Walsh 2 John McCarthy, Amb. Dan Mulhall, Matt Walsh, Nate Smith 3 Matt Walsh Photos: Marty Katz 1 Kirsten Fruit, guest, John McCarthy, Kelsey Fraser, Riley Kelburg, John & Sara Sonsolla 2 Guests enjoying the party at the Embassy 3 John McCarthy, Amb. Dan Mulhall Photos: Marty Katz WASHINGTON D.C. AROUND THE WORLD connect 2018 • 81