connect 2018 • 16 MUSIC GENERATION my music generation journey… “Not only has playing the harp become such a big part in my life over the past five years, but music in general means something to me… If it wasn’t for Music Generation I wouldn’t be playing harp, I wouldn’t have met the people I now call friends, and I wouldn’t love music as much as I do… in my opinion it is one of the most brilliant choices I’ve ever made.” – Cliona, young musician (Laois) “If asked what music means to me, I would simply say happiness. Getting involved in Music Generation can be a fantastic way to surround yourself in music and give you a taste of what a career in music could look like.” – Pierce, young composer (Carlow) “I can honestly say that Niamh would not have had the exposure or opportunity to play the sax was it not for the Music Generation project… Not only has she benefitted musically, we have seen first-hand the impact the programme has had on her personal development. She has gained more confidence in herself and has made more friends through her involvement in the programme.” – Ger, parent (Cork City) government and philanthropists working together: the power of a public philanthropic partnership On Thursday, 7th December 2017 An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, T.D., together with the Minister for Education and Skills, Richard Bruton T.D., Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Josepha Ma- digan, T.D., and Minister for Finance and Public Expenditure and Reform, Paschal Donohoe, T.D., launched Creative Youth – A Plan to Enable the Creative Potential of Every Child and Young Person. The plan sets out measures to ensure that every child in Ireland will have practical access to tuition, experience and participation in music, drama, art and coding over the next five years, and includes a commitment to support the roll-out of Music Generation nationwide by 2022. For Music Generation, this means that thousands more chil- dren and young people across every city and county will have the opportunity to access and engage in truly transformative musical experiences with inspirational musician educators. Commenting on the announcement, U2’s The Edge said that – “This is a very exciting moment. A huge thanks to the Government for making this commitment. It is a very important milestone for Music Generation and we are thrilled.” This is an outstanding outcome of U2 and The Ireland Funds’ investment and belief in Music Generation. It is an excellent example of a Public Philanthropic Partnership, with Government and Philanthropists working together to deliver benefit on the ground across the country. Deep thanks are due to the Government and to the Department of Education and Skills for their commitment, without which none of this would be possible.