connect 2018 • 66 AROUND THE WORLD CHICAGO August, 2017 Tom Meagher, Jr., Managing Director of GCM Grosvenor, hosted The Ireland Funds Leadership Forum breakfast with Ciaran Cannon, T.D. Ireland’s Minister of State for the Diaspora and International Development. Minister Cannon was joined by the Consul General Brian O’Brien; Ann Derwin, Director General of the Department of Foreign Affairs’ Global Irish Services Division and Caitriona Ingoldsby, Director of the Department of Foreign Affairs’ Irish Abroad Unit. Minister Cannon opened the session recognizing the important impact of The Ireland Funds on the island of Ireland. He then spoke about the Government’s commitment to supporting emigrants and engaging worldwide with the Irish diaspora. A Q&A session followed the presentation. It was a thought-provoking breakfast attended by Board Directors of The Ireland Funds America along with key supporters and young leaders. September, 2017 Chair of the Chicago Regional Advi- sory Committee Michael O’Halleran, Co-Chairs Devon Bruce and Patrick Canning and the Chicago Regional Advisory Committee of The Ireland Funds hosted a leadership break- fast at Chicago Cut to welcome Ambassador Dan Mulhall and his wife Greta to Chicago. Amb. Dan Mulhall began his ap- pointment as Ireland’s 18th Ambassador to the United States in 2017, succeeding Ambassador Anne Anderson. Prior to this appointment, Amb. Mulhall served for four years as Ireland’s Ambassador to the United Kingdom, managing Ireland’s diplomatic relations with the UK through the commemora- tions of 1916 and the aftermath of the Brexit referendum. Amb. Mulhall discussed the goals of his ambassadorship which includes focusing on the Irish diaspora, trade, tourism and advocacy. He also discussed the importance of The Ireland Funds as an expression of the diaspora and its importance to the current state of Ireland. It was an interesting and inspiring event attended by many of Chicago’s business, political, and cultural leaders. Chicago Breakfast with Ireland’s Minister for the Diaspora, Ciarán Cannon TD Chicago Leadership Breakfast for Ambassador Mulhall 1 1 2 3 3 1 Mini. Ciaran Cannon, Connor Kelly, Tom Gannon, Dan O’Keefe 2 Patrick Canning, Min. Ciaran Cannon, Dan Creamean, Rob Clary, Daragh Watson 3 Tom Meagher, Ann Derwin, Meghan Christiansen 1 Lynn Kiley, Amb. Dan Mulhall, Jim Kiley 2 Amb. Dan Mulhall, Michael O’Halleran 3 Eamonn Bryne, Amb. Dan Mulhall, Marianne O’Shea 2