Thomas E. O’Neill Treehouse Foods Chicago, Illinois Thomas P. O’Neill III O’Neill & Associates Boston, Massachusetts Sir Anthony O’Reilly Fitzwilton Dublin, Ireland Lady O’Reilly Orion & Global Chartering Company New York, New York Thomas C. Quick First Palm Beach Properties, Inc. Palm Beach, Florida Thomas J. Quinlan III LSC Communications New York, New York Paul S. Quinn, Esq. Nossaman LLP Washington, D.C. Robert Reynolds Putnam Investments Boston, Massachusetts James Rooney Ohio Township, Pennsylvania EJ Tracy Tracy Industries Santa Ana, California Mark Tuohey Mayor’s Office of Legal Counsel Washington, D.C. Netta Blanchard Dallas, TX Brian P. Burns Palm Beach, FL Charles U. Daly Chatham, MA Maryon Davies Lewis San Francisco, CA Henry Feeley Chicago, IL Jon K. Folan San Francisco, CA Denis Kelleher New York, NY Daniel F. Mulvihill San Diego, CA Pat Rooney West Palm Beach, FL Tim Rooney Yonkers, NY Shirley Ryan Winnetka, IL Officers Life Trustees Chairman John Fitzpatrick The Ireland Funds America Treasurer Christopher M. Condron The Ireland Funds America Secretary Sheila O’Malley The Ireland Funds America Worldwide President and CEO Kieran McLoughlin The Ireland Funds connect 2018 • 115 Board of Directors Continued