“As a leading corporate supporter of the arts around the world, Bank of America partners with non-profit arts institutions in delivering both the per- forming and visual arts to communities, enabling thousands of non-profits each year to carry out their missions. Arts institutions inspire and educate, serve as anchors for their communities, create jobs and help local businesses succeed. Supporting them is core to our purpose to help our clients and economies thrive.” —Brian T. Moynihan, Chief Executive Officer of Bank of America. THIS HIGH PROFILE PROJECT RECEIVED MUCH PUBLICITY IN THE NATIONAL PRESS AND TELEVISION AND RECEIVED AN ALLIANCE BUSINESS TO ARTS AWARD AND A SPIDER AWARD FOR THE PROJECT’S DIGITAL MEDIA PRESENCE. THE SPIDERS HONOR IRISH INDIVIDU- ALS AND ORGANIZATIONS FOR THEIR OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENTS ONLINE AND CELEBRATE THE SUCCESS OF THE IRISH INTERNET AND DIGITAL MEDIA. connect 2018 • 21 Above: Analysis of Maclise’s painting materials and techniques Below: Ultra violet light detail of the painting during conservation Above: The National Gallery of Ireland team de-installing The Marriage of Strongbow and Aoife to begin conservation