b'GREAT BRITAINYoung Leaders Summer Social 1Padraig OConnor, Conall Noonan August,2019 The London Young Leaders and guests gathered on a mild August evening to 2Grinne Hawkes, Laura Kennedy3Homeboy Bar catch-up and introduce friends to the IFGB. Young Leader Co-ChairVictoria Wallaceopened the Photos: Noel Mullen event by providing an overview of the ongoing work of The Ireland Funds and the role of the Young Leaders within it. This was followed by a video presentation that provided an insight into the organizations supported by the IFGB Annual Grant Round. The evening was kindly hosted byHomeboy Barand made the perfect setting for the Young Leaders and friends to enjoy a great evening. 1 2 3Young Leaders Winter Social November, 2019 Young Leaders and friends gathered on a wintery No- 1Dermot Skinnader, Sinad Whelan, Sim Campbellvember evening to catch-up and introduce friends to the IFGB following an2Caroline McAteer speaks with inspirational session withCaroline McAteer , founder and CEO ofThe SportsDermot Skinnader3Padraig OConnor PR Company , as part of our Global Leadership Series. Newly-appointed Chairwelcomes everyone to the of the London Young Leaders Steering Committee,Padraig OConnor , openedWinter Socialthe event by welcoming all and providing an overview of the ongoing work andPhotos: Noel Mullenprogress to date of the IFGB and the role of the Young Leaders within the orga-nization. The Winter Social was held at the recently openedDarbys,a NYC-in-spired oyster bar, large open grill and bakery from the Irish duoRobin and Sarah Gilllocated beside the US Embassys new premises inVauxhall, London.12 3connect 202095'