b'NO MIND NO LEFT BEHINDMINDLEFTBEHINDNOMINDLEFTBEHINDISANINITIATIVEDEVELOPEDBYTHEIRELANDFUNDS ANDLONGTIMEIRELANDFUNDSDONORSJOHNANDPAULINERYANTOGIVE PROMISINGYOUNGPEOPLEANOPPORTUNITYTOCOMPLETETHIRD-LEVEL EDUCATIONBYPROVIDINGANANNUALSCHOLARSHIPTOCOVERTHECOSTSOF BOOKS, ACCOMMODATION AND OTHER KEY EXPENSES.AllacrosstheislandofIrelandtherearepromisingyoungTheIrelandFundsisproudthatover110 people from areas of severe social disadvantage who need anscholarships,tothevalueof1,680,000, opportunity to enter third-level education. havebeenfundedtodatebyourdonors Althoughundergraduatetuitionfeesarecoveredbygiving young people a chance to build strong the Irish government, the current reality for students is thatfoundations for their futures.the additional expenses associated with pursuing third level studies are both extensive and burdensome. These unacknowl- The No Mind Left Behind Program provides edged expenses are often the cause for a promising student from3,000-4,000 per academic year to ensure a a lower socio-economic background to abandon their studies.students full potential is met.Once selected for the NMLB scholarship, the progress of the scholarsismonitoredastheymustdemonstratesuccessfulIn 2019-2020, The Ireland Funds has 97 No progression through each year of their course.Mind Left Behind Scholars in 23 colleges and universities across the island of Ireland.connect 202026'