b'Run of the Mill TheatreCHANGING HEARTS, CHANGING MINDSAll too often we go and see shows about cultures that feel margin- You must be open, and open to peoples experiences and their truths. alized and locked out of the mainstream, says Graham McLaren,And even if thats uncomfortable and even if its directly opposi-Co-Director of the Abbey Theatre. But its written by someone andtional to you and everything that you hold dear. It changes hearts. It performed by people who are certainly not locked out. There is achanges minds. And that changes communitiesand that changes really simple mantra that Ive encouraged the team to think about,the world, says Graham. Thats why we do it. Its irrelevant how which is, nothing about uswithout us. So, if were going to do amany see these 5x5s. There are some which will grow and come show about Alzheimers or a show about the Travelling community,into big, mainstage shows. Theres one right now which I think has or a project about mental disabilities, then lets include the people the potential to become a phenomenon and will change thousands lets put their voice there. of minds. But if we only change one or two minds, then its still completely worthwhile.WITH A FLAGSHIP AWARD FROM THE IRELAND FUNDS OF 70,000 OVER TWO YEARS, TEN GROUPS FROM 2019 THROUGH 2020 WILL RECEIVE SUPPORT TO TELL THEIR STORIES FOR THE FIRST TIME ON THE NATIONAL STAGE OF IRELAND.SoloSIRENsconnect 202039'