b'DUBLINThe Ireland Funds Flagship Awards DinnerDecember,2019 The Ireland Funds second annual Flagship Awardstive selection process, where over 300 applications were whittled down to six Dinner took place inThe Little Museum of Dublin ,St Stephens Green .Flagship Awardees. Throughout the course of the evening, each organization The event marked the announcement of Flagship funding totaling 500,000was introduced by a key Ireland Funds supporter and a representative was over two years for six outstanding organizations:AsIAm, Cancer Fund forinvited to speak about the importance and impact of their work. Guests included Children, Depaul Ireland, Pieta House, Suas Educational Development ,The Ireland Funds Board Directors:Jim Barry, Colin Hunt, Tommy Gallagher, andYouth Action Northern Ireland . The Ireland Funds Flagship AwardsCaroline Kennedy, Emer Gilvarry, Gary McGann, Trevor Ringland , andPeter will be used to build capacity, improve the quality and sustainability of ex- Rooney , The Ireland Funds America Board Directors:Tom MeagherandShaun isting programs, and scale initiatives already demonstrating impact on theKelly ; Former Chair of The Ireland Funds,Hugo MacNeill , andPaul Carrollof island of Ireland.Caitriona Fottrell , Director Ireland of The Ireland Funds,Cpl . Also in attendance wereDavid Cronin , President and CEO, The Ireland welcomed and thanked guests for their continued support before describingFunds America, and members of the Young Leaders Dublin and Belfast steering the wonderful work undertaken by each organization during the competi- committees.1Representatives from The Ireland Funds Flagship Awardees 2019; AsIAm, Cancer Fund for Children, DePaul Ireland, Pieta House, Suas Educational Development and Youth Action NI2Anne McTaggart, Tom Meagher3Mary, Lauren and Shaun Kelly4Adam Harris, Fiona Ferris, Lisa Kearns5Colin Hunt, Jim Barry, Emer Gilvarry6Peter Rooney, Caroline Kennedy7Catherine Hughes, Katie Juhas8Peter Hurley, Paul McClatchie, Gary McGann9Caitriona FottrellPhotos: Mark Stedman1connect 202088'