b' voted the number 20 museum in Europe.TREVOR WHITE, MUSEUM DIRECTOR OF THE LITTLE MUSEUM OF DUBLIN The Ireland Funds offered us support in the very early days when we had a promising idea but had not yet demonstrated success. You trusted our mission, believed in our goals and have supported us as weve grown to become an award-winning civic initiative in the heart of the Irish capital. we are officially the number one museum on TripAdvisorand were recently There is a crisis of family homelessness in Ireland. Support from The Ireland Funds is helping us to break this tragic cycle by allowing us to develop and deliver educational and therapeutic supports to women and children in our services. We are extremely grateful to The Ireland Funds for their encouragement and assistance.ALLISON ALDRED, CEO OF GOOD SHEPHERD CORK It has been a true privilege to be invited to many Ireland Funds events in both Ireland and the United Statesand to meet so many amazing members of The Ireland Funds family. It is truly special knowing that there isa network of people around the world who want to support work such as ours. I want to thank all donors forthe work you do and all your support to date. AsIAm could not have the impact we do without the help ofThe Ireland Funds.ADAM HARRIS, FOUNDER AND CEO OF ASIAM connect 20207'