b'ABBEY THEATRENOTHING ABOUT USWITHOUT US. We came up with the 5x5 concept in the summer of 2017, says JenWere not asking people to put on a full play, though some have. Coppinger, Head of Producing at the Abbey Theatre. We put the callWhat we are asking is are there stories that havent had an opportu-out to the community that year with the questions:nity to be told before? How can we help change that? The groups DO YOU FEEL UNDER-REPRESENTED?chosen are incredibly diverse and deliberately so. From those expe-riencing dementia to teenagers who are refugees to children on the DO YOU HAVE A STORY TO TELL?autismspectrum,individualsfrommarginalizedorrarely-heard-WOULD YOU LIKE TO DEVELOP THAT STORY IN FIVE DAYS?from communities are finding the Abbey Theatre is a new outlet for creative storytelling. The Irish Dementia Working Group THE IRELAND FUNDS FLAGSHIP AWARD HAS ENABLED THE ABBEY THEATRE 5X5 TO OFFER EACH YEAR: [ 5DIFFERENT ARTIST GROUPS AND COMMUNITIES[ 5DAYS WORTH OF SPACE AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE [ 5,000TO DEVELOP A THEATER PIECE connect 202038'