b'AUSTRALIASydney Supporters Lunch1David Kelly, Yvonne Le Bas July, 2019It was wonderful to see so many friends at The Ireland Funds Australias annual Supporters 2Angela & Patrick Gallagher Lunch, kindly hosted byDavid KellyandPwC , at their stunningBarangaroooffices. ChairmanYvonne Le 3Consul General Owen Feeney, Patrick Tuttle Baswas delighted to acknowledged the many supporters, thanked them for all their generosity and provided Photos: Kristy McVay Photography an update on our work including the recent grant round of over $400,000 to projects in Ireland and Australia. Consul GeneralOwen Feeneythanked supporters on behalf of the people and Government of Ireland, not only for their financial support but their friendship, kindness, care and interest.1 2 3Brisbane Christmas Networking Drinks 1Guests at the 2019 Brisbane Christmas Drinks December, 2019The Ireland Funds Australia hosted the annual Brisbane Christmas Drinks with stun-2Caroline Saunders, Stephen Hart, Martin Dunn ning views along theBrisbane River ; where friends and supporters gathered to reflect on a successful 2019 3Angela Sheehy and guestsand raise awareness of The Ireland Funds and the worthy projects we support. Young LeaderJude Bolger was happy to share with guests some highlights from a successful year including a grant round of over $400,000 to support 18 projects in Ireland and in Australia, a proud achievement and one that was only possi-ble through the ongoing generosity of our supporters. Christmas hospitality and a festive spirit was provided by Blackbird Bar . Raffle prizes were generously sponsored byNuvHoandWorld Sherpas . 1 2 3connect 2020103'