b'BELFASTGlobal Leadership Series with An Taoiseach Leo VaradkarAugust, 2019An Taoiseach Leo Varadkarspoke at The Ireland Funds1Bill Shaw, Siobhn Gallagher, An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, David McRedmond, Shaun Murphy, Caroline KennedyGlobal Leadership Series in Belfast. The event was hosted byRev. Bill Shaw ,2Ryan Feeney, An Taoiseach Leo VaradkarCEO of the174 TrustandThe Duncairn , a grantee of The Ireland Funds.An3An Taoiseach4An Taoiseach, Bill ShawTaoiseacharrived in a storm of weather and media, but was offered a warm5Ryan Feeney, An Taoiseachwelcome by Rev. Bill Shaw and board members of The Ireland Funds,Caroline6Conor Houston, Emma Hunt, Caroline Feeney, Siobhn Gallagher, An Taoiseach, Bill Shaw, Ryan FeeneyKennedy, David McRedmond,andShaun Murphy.An Taoiseach then madePhotos: Richard Trainorhis way to the converted church theater where a crowd of over 150 awaited. The Taoiseach shared with the audience his lessons on leadership and discussed the challenges that lay ahead for Northern Ireland. He then took part in a candid and open Q&A withRyan Feeney , Head of Communications for thePSNIand Belfast Young Leaders Committee member. It was an honor to host and hear from An Taoiseach in such a magnificent venue which has received support from The Ireland Funds.1 2 34 5 6connect 202092'