b'THE TRINITY CENTRE FOR PEOPLE WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES THE GREAT SCIENTIST JONAS SALK ONCE SAID, THE REWARD FOR WORK WELL DONE IS THE OPPORTUNITY TO DO MORE. AttheTrinityCentreforPeoplewithIntel- The program goes far beyond simply offering lectual Disabilities (TCPID) people with intel- life skills and orientation to the college expe-lectual disabilities are participating in a high- rience. A high academic standard of learning ereducationprogramdesignedtoenhanceis offered and key skills which prepare grad-their capacity to fully participate in society asuates for various employment environments independent adults. are developed. The course is accredited and ThankstoaFlagshipAwardfromTheas a result, for the first time ever, graduates Ireland Funds, the program has been able tofrom the program receive a Level 5 qualifica-expand and success stories are emerging astion which equips them to move on to further education and/or employment.graduates move into the work world and ex-perience the power and pride of employment.connect 202052'