b'ADAMICOMEFROMA FAMILY OF 5 KIDS.We live in a small town called Buncrana in County Donegal.Im currently studying biological and biomedical sciences here in Trinity. Hopefully after that Id love to specialize in genetics and ideally go into research. I first heard about the No Mind Left Behind scholarship through my sec-ondaryschool.InBuncranatheresjust not a lot of job opportunities for people my age, because its such a small town.I applied and a couple weeks later myprincipalcalledme.Iwasoverthe moon.Myparentscouldntbelieveit.I L ESE was thinking I was going to have to take C EGEGA N S Lout a student loan, I had already made an E LI OC L CA N C Y T I I R T AT application and everything.N O D M B Coming from a family with five kids, I D E M O I G N I DY U ST my parents will eventually have to put four others through university. Its a weight off theirshouldersandithasmeantIcan O R F immersemyselffullyinthecollege experience.ItalsomeansIcanafford everything from books to a lab coat and occasionally go home and see my family.Ive heard from a lot of my fellow stu-dents that they find it extremely hard to Photos: Aengus McMahonbalance studies with work, particularly in our course as its very information-heavy. In that way the scholarship has benefited me as Im able to focus solely on my stud-ies without having to work long hours atIM JUST SO GRATEFUL THAT SOMEONE OUT THERE WAS WILLING TOnight.DONATE TO GIVE ME A BETTER COLLEGE EXPERIENCE. ITS A REALLY HEARTWARMING THING TO KNOW THAT SOMEONE WOULD DO THAT.connect 202027'