b'BEOXSATSON UPCOMING EVENTS:TTHE 22ND IRISH AMERICAN CUP CHALLENGEMAY 11, 2020 TEXAS LADIES LEADERSHIP LUNCHONDECEMBER 2, 2020Texas Halfway to St. Patricks Day CelebrationSeptember, 2019 Forty guests gathered atThe Playwright Pubto celebrateing The Ireland Funds Global Young Leaders Summit and encouraged the group the halfway point to St. Patricks Day. More importantly, they came togetherto register for the upcoming 2020 Summit. The evening was topped off with The to learn about The Ireland Funds Young Leaders Society and the benefits of itsIreland Funds friend and supporter,Kieran Quinnentertaining the crowd with membership. The evening was hosted byHeather Blond, Valerie McDonough ,his acoustic guitar.andMichael Fitzpatrickand underwritten byKevin CurleyofCurley Financial Group, LLC. , a long-time supporter and National Board Director of The Ireland1Katie Truesdale, Karen Gaffney, Roisin Finan2Arthur Brown, Heather Blond, Michael Fitzpatrick, Darina PadianFunds America. Michael gave a personal testimony about his experience attend- 3Valerie McDonough, Michael Fitzpatrick1 2 3Texas Welcome Breakfast for Claire McCarthy Consul General of IrelandDecember, 2019 The Ireland Funds hosted a breakfast to introduce theand how it affects Ireland and Northern Ireland, the many services provided by newConsul General of Ireland, Claire McCarthy . Consul General McCarthythe Consulate, and how much she appreciates the work of The Ireland Funds was appointed to Texas and the southwest United States in August 2019. Sheacross the isle of Ireland and around the world.represents the Irish Government in Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, New1Claire McCarthy, Ciara Dilley, Karen Spain, Maureen CooperMexico, Oklahoma and Texas. Claire discussed many topics relating to her role2Valerie McDonough, Roisin Finan, Dearbhla ONeill3Cliff & Barbara Miercort, Kathryn Cassidyas Consul General which included plans for 2020, the current status of Brexit 1 2 3connect 202070'