b'Enactus projects fulfill 3 criteria 1. Each project generates its own revenue to ensure financialstability and the ability to plan, grow and scale2. Each of the projects beneficiaries are empowered to change their own lives in a positive mannerPhoto: Aengus McMahon 3. Each project aims to improve the environment and negate the negative impact the project will createENACTUS PROJECTGreenBrew as told by Enactus student Andrea WheltonGrain waste is a massive product output of the brewing industry and in Ireland, we make loads of beer, which means we have loads of grain waste. In Ireland, there are 760,000 tons of this stuff produced every year and it all gets either thrown out or used for animal feed. We asked, can we do anything with this?WethenidentifiedaproblemwithDirect Provision,whichistheIrishgovernmental policythatprovidesforasylumseekersin Ireland.PeoplelivinginDirectProvisionare often isolated in centers with limited access to ingredients and cooking facilities. So, we devel-opedveganandrefinedsugar-freerecipes using the grain waste and held workshops with people in Direct Provision to teach them how to produce baked goods. We provided health and safety food training, so they had all the resources and skills they needed. They were able to bring healthy products home for their families, and additional product was then sold at a profit to put back into the program. It was aboutsixmonthsfromideastagetoactual implementation. GreenBrewisnowupcyclingaoncewasted by-product into highly nutritional baked goods sold across Dublin. The products are vegan and high in protein. The GreenBrew project won the PeoplesChoiceAwardatthe2019Enactus World Cup in San Jos, CA.connect 202045'