b'Howwere thec2019 Flagship Awards Selected? Grants workshops were delivered in five locations across Irelandc 333 and the grants team were on hand to give advice on eligibility and how to apply.LettersofInquiry(anincreaseof50from2018)weresubmittedbyorganizations,each c 25 organizations were providing a proposal seeking support from The Ireland Funds. theninvitedtosubmitafullapplicationandsitevisitstoeachoftheorganizationswere conducted c 12 organizations were then selected based on the goals of theinitiative, potential impact of the proposal, the organizations capacity to deliver, fit for The c 12 finalists participated in a Ireland Funds, and long-term sustainability of the projectctraining workshop and then pitched to two panels of external interviewers. Following feedback from each panel combined with internal discussion and deliberation in The Ireland Funds,six organizations were selected as The Ireland Funds Flagship Awardees for 2019. MAKEYour gift will help The Ireland Funds invest in the 2020 Grant Rounds A GIFT: to identify and support even more outstanding organizations.connect 202021'