b'DENVERDenver DinnerSeptember, 2019 The Denver Dinner was the first Colorado-based eventsuccessful moving forward in growing the presence of The Ireland Funds in the held by The Ireland Funds in more than 14 years. The evening began with guestsDenver area and re-launching the Colorado Chapter. Those attending included mingling with many meeting for the first time.Darina Padian , Texas and Colo- Bill Cassidy, Lucy Cassidy, Dennis Gallagher, Alan Groarke, Noel Hickey, rado Director, welcomed the group. A few lines from Irish songs and poetry wereGreg Kaczmarczyk, Rhona Kaczmarczyk , Anne McCarthy,Susan Morrice, shared by the group along with jokes and many laughs. During the dinner, Da- Heather Nagle, Sean Nagle, Gabrielle Stewart, Bill Sullivan, Nancy Sullivan, rina spoke about the history of The Ireland Funds, its mission, and highlightedLisa Switzer, Edward Timmins .some of the many projects supported by its generous donors.With close to 17% of the Colorado population claiming Irish ancestry, there is a natural connection1Anne McCarthy, Susan Morrice, Gabrielle Stewart2Ed Timmins, Darina Padian, Rhona Kaczmarczyk, Greg Kaczmarczykalready in place between Ireland and Colorado. The group shared ideas and3Lucy Cassidy, Alan Groarke, Dennis Gallagher, Noel Hickeysuggestions about fundraising efforts and future event themes that could be 1 2 3Denver Advisory Committee MeetingDecember, 2019The Ireland Funds Denver chapter held its first Denverawareness in Denver of our mission to promote and support peace, culture, Advisory Committee Meeting with a working lunch atDenver Country Club education and community development throughout the island of Ireland, and hosted by club memberEdward Timmins , President ofTimmins LLC. DarinaIrish-related causes around the world.Padian , Texas and Colorado Director began the luncheon by welcoming the committee and sharing updates from The Ireland Funds America and the com- 1Bill Sullivan, Lisa Switzer, Alan Groarke, Noel Hickey2Rhona Kaczmarczyk, Kevin Homes, Edward Timmins, Lucy Cassidymittee continued with discussions on the development of The Ireland Funds3Rhona Kaczmarczyk, Sean Nagle, Dennis Gallagher, Lucy CassidyDenver chapter and potential events to consider for Denver in 2020 to raise 1 2 3connect 202069'