b'Gene comes to the position with wide-ranginga longtime member of the board, I am excited to be taking the businessexperienceandperspective.Currentlybaton from John and working with the board, staff and fellow- Chairman of XL Group PLC , he formerly occupied the positionsdonors to do great things for communities across the island of of President of Bank of America Corp. President & Chief Operat- Ireland.ing Officer of FleetBoston Financial Corp. and Vice Chairman &Gene also expressed excitement at the blend of new and sea-President-US Banking Unit at Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. (both aresoned staff on The Ireland Funds team. Im seeing some bold and subsidiaries of Bank of America Corp.), President & Chief Operat- bright ideas which I know are going to invigorate the organization. ing Officer for Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. He serves onYet I also love that we still have an established and dedicated staff numerous non-profit boards including the Boys and Girls Club ofwho have decades of experience and insights into how to serve Ire-America and Catholic Charities of New York.land. As donors, Gene and his wife Peggy have attended many of I am delighted to be appointed Chairmanthe annual June Conferences held by The Ireland Funds. It is there of The Ireland Funds America, says Gene.they have had a chance to visit numerous projects the organization supports.The most worthwhile and moving part of the conference is to WeareimmenselygratefultoJohnFitzpatrickforthelead- see how our money is being invested. We realize the impacts that ership he has provided since 2014 and for the growth that haswere making by seeing people who are the beneficiaries of these happened under his role as Chairman. This is an amazing orga- contributions, says Gene. seeing the people who run these orga-nization which makes a profound impact on the lives of peoplenizations tell us about the difference that were making in peoples across the island of Ireland. Whether it be through creating jobslives, that for me is a gamechanger.It really gives you an energy to orprovidingaccesstoeducation,TheIrelandFundsAmericasay, now I realize why Im involved here.is strengthening the Irish not-for-profit sector. As a donor and connect 202012'