b'AUSTRALIA NEEDS YOUR HELP Since September 2019 the Australian bush res have raged, creating an unprecedented catastrophe, with long-term devastation to Australias biodiversity and environment.Australia has provided a warm welcome to so many Irish people, hosting many of us for the almost obligatory gap year, opening her doors to us in times of recession and providing opportunities to others to make Australia home.Having suffered the severest bush res ever seen, 10 million hectares burnt, close to 1.5 times the size of Ireland, in icting loss of life, homes and more than 1.25 billion animals.Koalas are nearing the endangered list and in NSW alone almost 30% of the koala population and habitat has been destroyed. These are unprecedented circumstances. An international environmental catastrophe in the words of Sir David Attenborough. As a consequence we urge the Irish around the world to provide global Internationalassistance to a country that has given us so much.DONATE NOWEnvironmentalwww.irelandfunds.org/bush rerelief Please help us to show our collectiveAny support you can provide will be much Catastrophe appreciated* gratitude, directing our efforts to regreen Australia and rescue and regenerate the wildlife population now and into the future. For further information pleaseCONTACT AUSTRALIADonations being distributed via the Australian Ireland Foundation Public Ancillary Fund to approved DGR1Teresa Keating, Executive Directorregistered charities in Australia. tkeating@irelandfunds.org100% of the funds raised will be passed on. Donations over AUD$2 are tax-deductible in Australia. +61 410 633 598Please check your local chapter for local taxation conditions.A report of funds raised will be published at the end of March 2020.*Statistics as of 5 February, 2020 -res are still raging. connect 2020107'