b'Management is making sure things are done right. Leadership is making sure the right things are done.Peter Drucker, management educator and authorEnactus is an innovative program for university and college students interested in addressing social problems through social entrepreneurship solutions.With support from The Ireland Funds, Enactus is enablingstudentstodevelopideas.Notallofthemwillcometo Irelandsfutureleaderstoexplorenewideaswithanfruition.Not all of them will be implemented. Yet failure is eye to social change. Or as Enactus says CREATING Aa part of entrepreneurship: trying things, seeing what works HEAD FOR BUSINESS AND A HEART FOR THE WORLD.andwhatdoesnt.Thatisanaturalpartofbusinessand entrepreneurship, and weve been very encouraging of that.The program ensures that students involved dont just come up with great ideas but are equipped with the skills to exe- Real Life = Real Solutionscute them. Enactus programs run throughout the year acrossHowever,someEnactusinitiativesinIrelandhavegone campusesofferingtraining,mentorship,competitionandontobecomefull-fledgedcompanies.FoodCloud,aproj-networking. The organization offers third-level students inect supported by The Ireland Funds, began as an Enactus 10 Irish colleges and universities a chance to truly flex theirprojectinIrelandandtodayisasocialenterprisethat entrepreneurial muscles, but for social good.connects businesses with surplus food to charities in their Enactus has two very clear objectives: student leadershiplocal communities that need it via a software platform. It andsocialchange,saysFionaOByrne,EnactusIrelandhas helped to ensure the equivalent of 65 million meals have Country Manager. The range of experience, and skills, andgone to people and not to waste with an estimated value of training all comes together to empower the students to be81.8 million.future leaders with a social conscience. That then comple-ments the social change students bring about through their projects.No Fear of Failure Each year culminates with a national competition where ideas are presented, and a national winner is chosen. Teams present months of work in a 12-minute pitch to peers as well as business and community leaders who can offer advice and often mentoring. From there, the winners go on to the Enactus World Cup with teams from 36 countries.Issues ranging from mental health to food poverty to defor-estation have been addressed with innovative approaches. Notallideasareviable.Youneedlotsofideasto Enactus members Scott Byrne, Charlie Quirke, Daire Hennessy and generate workable ideas. Says Fiona. At Enactus encour- Erin Kehoe pictured with Enactus Board Director and The Ireland Funds America Vice Chairman Shaun Kelly along with other Enactus students aging ideation is a cornerstone of the program and gettingat the 2019 Enactus World Cup in San Jos, CA.connect 202043'