GERMANY AROUND THE WORLD connect 2019 • 97 September, 2018 The Ireland Funds Germany held its annual Charity Din- ner in Dublin. The event took place at the invitation of the German Ambassador to Ireland, H.E. Deike Potzel at the German Ambassador's residence. The event was arranged in conjunction with close partner, the German-Irish Lawyers and Business Association (GILBA). Event highlights included a guided tour of the Four Courts and a talk with The Honorable Justice Liam McKechnie, judge at the Irish Supreme Court, a discussion about “Digitalisation/Digital Transformation” with business and legal experts from Germany and Ireland at the Honorable Society of King's Inns and an evening reception at Law SocietyofIreland, BlackhallPlace withthePresidents/ChairmanoftheIrishLaw Society, the Association of Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys in Ireland and the Bar Council of Ireland, all held on the Friday before the dinner. The Secretary General of the EU-Commission, Professor Martin Selmayr attended, amongst others. Former Chief of Cabinet of EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, was Guest of Honor and speaker at this special evening, the 25th Anniversary of The Ireland Funds Germany. The Ireland Funds Germany Chair and Vice-Chair Elmar Conrads-Hassel and Dr. Ursula Hassel hosted the event. They were delighted to welcome Guests of Honor Irish Ambassador to Germany Michael Collins and his wife Marie as well as Caitriona Fottrell, Vice President and Director Ireland of The Ireland Funds. The Ireland Funds Germany Charity Dinner 1 Dr. Ursula Hassel, Amb. Michael Collins, Martin Selmayr 2 Martin Selmayr 3 Ursula Leslie, Amb. Michael Collins, Dr. Ursula Hassel 4 Elmar Conrads-Hassel, Donnacha Curley, Amb. Deike Potzel, Amb. David Donnoghue, Patrick Dorgan 5 Marie Collins, Caitriona Fottrell 6 Dr. Ursula Hassel, Elmar Conrads-Hassel, Jill Donoghue 7 Acknowledgement and thanks to longstanding members and supporters of The Ireland Funds Germany 8 Sabrina Bauer, Joshua Grodozki, Lara Piesch, John Curran 2 5 8 3 6 1 4 7