Thanks to support from The Ireland Funds, Down Syndrome Ireland partnered with Trinity College Dublin to undertake a groundbreaking study on cognitive training for adults with Down syndrome. The BEADS Study (Brain Exercises for Adults with Down syndrome) was undertaken in light of the fact that adults with Down syndrome are at greater risk for developing dementia than the general population. By employing early intervention with cognitive training in the form of puzzles, games and specific brain challenges, the study sought to see if brain connections could be strengthened through those activities and an effect could be seen on the adults’ brain health and function. 40 people with Down syndrome took part. The study showed that strategic brain-training games helped people with Down syndrome with their memory, planning and attention skills. As a result, the BEADS program is currently a priority agenda item for the Nation- al Federation of Voluntary Bodies in Ireland. This program has the potential to be rolled out across 60 intellectual disability services around the country. the trinity college dublin beads study stephen travelled 4 hours a day to receive the training from alfaparf milano DOWN SYNDROME IRELAND connect 2019 • 12