connect 2019 • 35 Connect the Dots work with inquisitive brands and organizations to help deepen their connection with the audiences that matter most to them. Through their software and unique people-first process, Connect the Dots harness the power of data to optimize events–to create tailored experiences at scale—that enable meaningful engagement and tangible outcomes. Before competing in the Business Plan Competition, Connect the Dots was implementing their process manually for clients including Accen- ture, Dublin City Council, Dogpatch Labs, Tara Building, the Oireachtas, Suas, and many more. They were gathering insights from attendees be- forehand, analysing them by hand, and then connecting the results to the best-fit event design to enhance participation and impact. Their services were in high demand–to the point that they needed to automate in order to meet it. The Business Plan Competition gave them the courage and the support to do just that. Since the program ended, Connect the Dots has worked with develop- ers to create a piece of software that helps to unleash the potential from events, internal or external, large or small. Some results Connect the Dots have achieved for their clients include: an 83% increase in atten- dance, a 95% increase in awareness, a 90% improved reputation, and a 65% reduction in cost per hire. Connect the Dots is currently looking at expanding their team and is seeking new clients and investment. Thanks to The Ireland Funds Business Plan Competition, they have an investor-ready pitch deck that showcases their ambition and vision for their company: a company that helps businesses tailor events and connect the dots globally. “The Business Plan Competition was a huge turning point for Connect the Dots—it gave us the tools we needed to really share our message through developing a well-crafted investor deck. The mentors on the program encouraged us and gave us the resources needed to ensure we were ready to take the leap to develop our software.” NAOMI MURPHY AND MARISA DENKER 2017 FINALIST WITH CONNECT THE DOTS