connect 2019 • 78 YOUNG LEADERS SOCIETY AUSTRALIA Melbourne Young Leaders Carvery & Craic Sydney Young Leaders Annual Corporate Breakfast JULY, 2018 On a sunny Sunday afternoon, attendees made their way to Ludlow Bar in Melbourne’s Southbank precinct for the Melbourne Young Leaders’ mid-winter Carvery & Craic event. Just before the delicious roast was served, Young Leader Rob Loughnane welcomed everyone on behalf of the Committee, delighted to see old friends and new faces. After lunch, Young Leader Nóirín McKeon spoke to the crowd, explaining the long history and achievements of The Ireland Funds, giving special mention to the Young Leaders’ chosen projects for 2018, namely Suas and the GO Foundation. Guests enjoyed the rest of the afternoon with festive spirit and plenty of craic. OCTOBER, 2018 With a fantastic city-center venue at LinkedIn Sydney, guests heard from four leaders within the tech sector giving their thoughts on the theme: “Technology as a force for change or chaos”. Guests included Grainne Kearns, CIO at Lion, Fiona Bones, Senior Finance Director at Google, Paul McCrory, Group Industry Director, Facebook and Letrecia Tippett, Head of Sales Solutions (ANZ) at LinkedIn. Our panelists were gen- erous with their time and their insights, taking us through the journey to their current roles and giving a real insider’s perspective on working within these respected technology giants. After the event attendees were treated to some expert advice on how to maximize their LinkedIn profiles, by a team of LinkedIn volunteers who answered a range of questions and provided some great tips. Thanks to our panelists, all attendees, and sponsors LinkedIn and Lifestyle Solutions. 1 Paul McCrory, Letrecia Tippett, Fiona Bones, Grainne Kearns 2 Sydney Young Leaders Committee with the panel 3 The panel presents 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 Laura O'Sullivan, Sabrina Assigall 2 Noirin McKeon, Robert Loughnane, Laura O'Sullivan 3 Alina Fiona Lee, Nigel Jackson, Margaret Burton, Toni Coppollilo, Barbara O’ Donnell