connect 2019 • 82 AROUND THE WORLD BOSTON July, 2018 The Ireland Funds welcomed over 160 supporters and friends to its 29th annual Nantucket Celebration hosted by Bill & Beth Scannell. Despite a good dose of wet Irish weather, the party went on and guests were welcomed into a beautiful backyard tent. The night had new and old friends enjoying the Scannell’s hospitality in the ambience of their beautiful summer home. Steve Greeley, The Ireland Funds’ New England Director and Vice President of Development, welcomed all who attended and thanked the event Chair- men Bob & Laura Reynolds, Bob & Paula Butler, and George Albrecht. He also thanked the guests for their generosity, and National Board Directors Ambassador Elizabeth Frawley Bagley, Anne Finucane, Leslie King Grenier, Jack Manning, Bill McKiernan and Bob Reynolds for their leadership and service as members of the Board. Steve then introduced hosts Bill & Beth Scannell who welcomed the crowd to their home. The Ireland Funds Amer- ica National Board Director Anne Finucane introduced the event’s Honor- ees: Bart Grenier & Leslie King Grenier. Anne lauded Bart and Leslie for their ongoing support of The Ireland Funds’ mission. Leslie then thanked Anne on their behalf and spoke to those gathered saying, “It has succeeded beyond our wildest dreams…so many amazing personalities who have attended and supported this event. During my years at The Ireland Funds I have met Princes, Presidents, Princesses, movie stars and moguls…but the most important thing to me is that The Ireland Funds is and will always be, a family.” Nantucket Celebration 1 3 2 4 1 Summer home of Bill & Beth Scannell 2 Bob Reynolds, Beth Scannell, Laura Reynolds, Bill Scannell 3 John Heaps, Liz Mcdermott, Ben Barnes, Jim Geraghty 4 Liam Burbage, Susan Burbage, Cole Burbage Photos: Cary Tozer Photography