AUSTRALIA AROUND THE WORLD connect 2019 • 105 August 2018 Many friends and new faces gathered at the annual Brisbane lunch at Hillstone St. Lucia. St. Peters Lutheran graduate Jemmason Power performed the Acknowledgement of Country to start off proceedings. Chair- man Yvonne Le Bas officially opened the lunch and welcomed the opportunity to thank guests for their continued generosity to the Fund and the projects we support. A special mention to the major sponsors on the day, Australian Radio Network, Emirates, Charles Curran AC, Coolmore Stud and the Magnier Family, and Star Entertainment Group. Yvonne also acknowledged the Board Members, Governors, Associates, Benefactors and Young Leaders who help us to continue the important work of The Ireland Funds Australia as it looks to the next 10—20 years and the next generation of Philanthropists. Ben Davis, Australian sports reporter and presenter, kept the day on track as our MC, and did a wonderful job interviewing Stephen Moore, former Captain of the Wal- labies; an entertaining and insightful segment. Jack and the boys and girls from Munsterbucks were delightful entertainers giving a very Irish traditional musi- cal and dance performance. Huge thank you to Auctioneer Chris McKearney of EBM Insurance for travelling interstate for the day. Brisbane Luncheon 1 Yvonne Le Bas 2 Drs. Frank & Ailbhe Cunningham, Michael White, Barbara O’Rourke 3 Jeff O’Sullivan, Anthony Travers, Amber Teagle, Adam Bird 4 Chris McKearney, Teresa Keating, Ben Davis 5 Mark McCormack, Carmel McCormack, Dr. Tom Cuddihy 6 Stephen Moore, Maggie Silva 7 Dr. Andy O’Neill, Roisin O’Neill, Anne Maree O’Neill, Aishlinn O’Neill, Oscar Hernandez 8 Bill & Bernadette Grace, John & Rory Quinn, Stephen Moore, Valerie Simons Photos: About Time Co. 2 5 8 3 6 1 4 7