Dear Fellow Donors, Welcome to the latest edition of Connect Magazine. This edition will highlight some of the incredible events we have hosted around the world over the last number of months including a record-breaking gala in Chicago and the 30th Anniversary Celebration of The Ireland Funds Great Britain. But most importantly, you can read about the projects we support which are after all, the driving force behind what we do. You can read about our latest Flagship Awardees on page 58. The purpose of these significant investments is to improve the effectiveness and sustainability of initiatives that are already having a positive impact. I know you will enjoy reading about their efforts and what your generosity will enable them to achieve. You will also read about projects like Barnardos, which is helping families and children in crisis, and Equine Enrichment, which is taking a truly innovative approach to mental health in Northern Ireland. These projects are just a few examples of the tangible difference your philanthropy is making for those in real need. One of the highlights of 2019 will be our annual Worldwide Conference in June, which we are excited to be hosting in Belfast. As we hear every year from those who attend, it is a wonderful opportunity to connect on a much deeper level with The Ireland Funds’ mission by seeing our impact on the ground at the project level itself. I would encourage you to join us and witness the results of your generosity, first-hand. Thank you as always for your ongoing support. Your commitment makes such a difference to thousands of people across the island of Ireland and beyond. Kind regards, John Fitzpatrick Chairman, The Ireland Funds America Connect SPRING / SUMMER / 2019 connect 2019 • 3