connect 2019 • 75 Dublin Global Leadership Series with Annalise Murphy Dublin Young Leaders Visit to Men’s Sheds NOVEMBER, 2018 On a wet and blustery November morning, the Dublin Young Leaders turned out in numbers to hear from Olympic sailor Annalise Murphy. Annalise, a silver medal winner in the 2016 Rio Olympics, European champion, and World Cup medal winner, wowed the Young Leaders with her story of sheer determination, grit, and resilience. She spoke of the challenges she experienced in the London Olympics, how they powered her to success in the Rio Olympics, and helped her to compete in the difficult nine-month Volvo Ocean Race. Annalise was an inspiration to the Young Leaders as she encouraged them to pursue goals, and to tackle adversity head-on. The Dublin Young Leaders will certainly be cheering her on in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. Many thanks to Annalise for taking the time to speak to the Young Leaders and to our kind host KPMG Dublin. DECEMBER, 2018 To mark the beginning of the season of goodwill, the Dublin Young Leaders visited the Kilcock Branch of the Men’s Sheds Association. The Young Leaders were greeted with exceptional warmth by the men of the Kilcock shed. A fire was lit, the kettle was on, and the tin of biscuits was open. The Young Leaders and the men chatted and toured the shed, including their gardens, woodwork room and the planting tunnel. As an additional surprise, they were treated to a song written and sung by the men themselves. The Young Leaders were incredibly impressed by the space and the individual stories of its members on how it is rejuvenating and keeping them from isolation. The Dublin Young leaders created a video of the day, so they could share the experience with their fellow Young Leaders at the Summit in New York in January, 2019. 1 Young Leaders meet with Annalise Murphy 2 Annalise Murphy 1, 2, 3 The Dublin Young Leaders and members of the Kilcock Men’s Shed 2 2 1 3 DUBLIN YOUNG LEADERS SOCIETY 1