connect 2019 • 79 Melbourne Young Leaders Soar into Better Health and Wellbeing DECEMBER, 2018 The Melbourne Young Leaders delved into health and wellness with a panel of experts, featuring Tony Griffin from Soar, Gavan Duffy from Movember and Paul Taylor from the Body-Brain Performance Institute, providing guests with inspiration and insights to take home. Soar is a collective movement which delivers early intervention-preventative, wellness workshops to help young people fulfil their true potential and has worked with more than 30,000 young people in Ireland. Soar founder Tony Griffin said his foundation wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for the support of The Ireland Funds. The Ireland Funds Australia has contributed more than $185,000 in grants to Soar between 2015 and 2018. Griffin said the foundation’s new program for teenage girls was a direct result of this funding. The ‘Stripped’ program provides a space where girls can explore their identity and challenge the status quo of female stereotypes and societal expectations. The event, kindly hosted by Deloitte, was an opportunity to say thank you to all those who supported the Ireland Funds Australia events during 2018. 1 Gavan Duffy, Paul Taylor, Tony Griffin 2 Adrian Hanley, Louise Lysaght, Libby Bourke 3 Robert Loughnane, Chris Moloughney, Karen Crofton, Tas Osianlis 3 2 AUSTRALIA YOUNG LEADERS SOCIETY 1