connect 2019 • 48 Transport & Fuel • Travel & petrol vouchers to access daily services • Financial assistance to attend medical care and developmental appointments • Household items, food vouchers to access healthy meals Educational Support • Financial support to access afterschool and homework clubs to support education • Children are able to complete their homework and partake in sports activities Family Time & Outings • Cinema vouchers or play centers vouchers • Trips to the zoo, aquatic center and a farm • Financial support to facilitate children to attend mid-term and summer camps It has been used to support family functioning; to facilitate the continued attendance of children to Barnardos’ daily services; to support daily family needs; and to enable family time to promote well-being and provide a sense of dignity to these families as they struggle to cope in an extremely difficult crisis situation. Flagship Grant support from The Ireland Funds has been hugely significant for families and has been applied in very practical ways. Pictured — Ireland Funds’ donor Tom Codd with a young client of Barnardos.