AROUND THE WORLD CHICAGO connect 2019 • 92 July, 2018 The Ireland Funds Chicago Regional Advisory Committee hosted its 2018 Chicago Dinner Kick Off Event and Summer Gathering. It was a unique, private dinner held at The Richard H. Driehaus Museum. The evening began with a meeting led by Committee Chair, Michael O’Halleran. Co-Chair, Devon Bruce, spoke about the recently concluded Ireland Funds Worldwide Conference. He reflected that one is able to best experience the impact of The Ireland Funds by attending the annual event and interacting with projects and initiatives, first-hand. He also spoke about the opportunity to meet with fellow colleagues from 12 different countries. He encouraged all to attend in 2019 to experience the impact of The Ireland Funds. It was a lovely evening of camaraderie and the committee was imbued with a renewed commitment to the dinner knowing its importance to the life of The Ireland Funds and its ability to positively impact so many worthy causes. Chicago Regional Advisory Committee Dinner 1 3 2 1 Karen and Mick O’Rourke, Eamonn Byrne and Consul General Brian O’Brien 2 Marianne O’Shea, Michael O’Halleran, Yvonne Derrig 3 John and Susan Gibbons, Terry Brady, Bob and Deb Lanigan, Cindy Brady