new counties welcome musical opportunities for ireland’s next generation stories of impact Highlights in these 5 new areas include: • Access to music tuition for 3,330 additional children and young people, working with 34 musicians across 63 new school and early years settings • Establishment of a cross-border community music Peace Project for 65 teenagers in Leitrim and Fermanagh • Premiere performance by Music Generation’s first regional youth orchestra ‘Symphonic Waves’, with 60 members participating from 7different counties in the west of Ireland • Launch of new Youthreach partnerships, creating access to music for 20 early school leavers ages 15 to 18 Since the summer of 2018 five new counties in Ireland have been learning what it means for their children and young people to have access to quality, affordable music tuition within their local communities. As part of ‘Music Generation Phase 2’ new part- nerships have now been established in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown (Dublin), Galway County, Leitrim, Waterford and Wexford. The welcome for the programme from musicians, schools, commu- nity groups, parents and young people has been overwhelming, demonstrating the vital role that Music Generation is playing in fuelling musical passion and ambition among Ireland’s next generation. During the first six months of 2019 a further four areas of the country will commence planning for the roll-out of new Music Generation partnership programmes. By the end of the year children and young people in Galway City, Kilkenny, Roscom- mon and both Cavan/Monaghan will have begun to gain access to performance music education with professional musicians in their localities, bringing the total number of areas in Ireland reached to 20! ‘It is highly rewarding to see children and young people progress into programmes in years three, four and five and especially to see them getting involved in initiatives and ensembles outside of their genres and comfort zones…It is honestly transformative for the school and for the community at large.’ — Ciarán, musician educator ‘The positive benefits of music-making are well documented– learning music at a young age can bring about greater self-esteem, improved concentration, literacy, numeracy, and social skills…we’re opening a door for a generation of children to a means of expression and imagination…I count myself lucky to have a job that can play a part in achieving those outcomes for children and young people.’ — Karl, musician educator connect 2019 • 17