News & Media

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The Ireland Funds is a philanthropic network that supports worthy causes throughout the island of Ireland, and Irish-related causes around the world.

We invite you to learn more by connecting with our chapters around the world and exploring our Connect eNews, Headlines, Press Releases, Videos, and Chapter News to learn about the impact of your generosity.

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The Ireland Funds is a philanthropic network that supports worthy causes throughout the island of Ireland, and Irish-related causes around the world.

We invite you to learn more by connecting with our chapters around the world and exploring our Connect eNews, Headlines, Press Releases, Videos, and Chapter News to learn about the impact of your generosity.

Currently there is no news for this Chapter.

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Contact Us


Rachel Alabiso

Chief Communications Officer

10 Post Office square, Suite 1205 Boston MA 02109

T - 617-901-2466

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Email Link


Nicki Lynch

Head of Operations

Denshaw House, 121-122 Baggot Street Lower, Dublin 2, Ireland

T - +353-1-662-7878

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Email Link