4th September, 2013

WineGeese Society Napa Sonoma Tour Welcome Dinner 2013

Date : 4th September, 2013

4 to 9 September 2013

“Wine in Califoia is still in the experimental stage; and when you taste a vintage, grave economical questions are involved.  The beginning of vine-planting is like the beginning of mining for the precious metals: the wine-grower also ‘prospects’. One coer of land after another is tried with one kind of grape after another.  This is a failure; that is better; a third best.  So, bit by bit, they grope about for their Clos Vougeot and Lafite.  Those lodes and pockets of earth, more precious than the precious ores, that yield inimitable fragrance and soft fire . . . But there they bide their hour, awaiting their Columbus; and nature nurses and prepares them.  The smack of Califoian earth shall linger on the palate of your grandson.”
 — Robert Louis Stevenson on discovering Napa wines, The Silverado Squatters (1906)

Sonoma and Napa preliminary description (as of 29 May 2013) 

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(This itinerary may change due to local conditions)