The Ireland Fund of China held a series of meetings in July as delegates returned from The Worldwide Ireland Funds Conference in Ireland. Kieran McLoughlin, President & CEO of The Worldwide Ireland Funds met the newly appointed Executive Committee members: Coleman Byrne (Finance & Tax), Tara McCloskey (Events & Administration), and Conor Heffernan (Marketing & Young Leaders). Other new members include James McKnight (Legal & Corporate Governance) and David Simpson (Programmes & Grant Management). Kieran delivered news of the impact of The Worldwide Ireland Funds during their first 40 years and outlined their ambitious objectives through to the 50th anniversary in 2026.
Meetings were held with The Ireland Fund of China legal counsel Liau, Ho & Chan; the office of the Consul General of Ireland in Hong Kong & Macau, the Irish Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, charity auction specialist Helping Hand Group, and Ireland Fund of China beneficiary Hong Kong-based charity Enlighten – Action for Epilepsy.
Kieran joined The Ireland Fund of China team for a site visit to the Hong Kong Guide dog association to hear of their progress following the Fund’s initial involvement in November 2014. This and collaboration with the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind has resulted in a new suite of computers, a professional promotional video and under-writing the expenses of their 300 volunteers across educational seminars, fund raising, and puppy boarding. On hand was Anna, the very first guide dog of the Hong Kong launch program. The 2 days culminated in a closing dinner at which The Ireland Fund of China was delighted to formally appoint and welcome as a new Director, Sidney Yuen, Chairman of HBC.