The Australian Ireland Fund Young Leaders Network Reception was held at the Qantas Boardroom in Sydney’s CBD on Wednesday 14 September 2011. Over 50 Young Professionals, of Irish and Australian descent were treated to talks from Alan Joyce, CEO of Qantas and Chairman of the Australian Ireland Fund, Irish Minister of State for Small Business, Mr John Perry TD and Young Leader Fiona Tuite.
Executive Director Teresa Keating MC’d the evening welcoming guests and thanking our host Chairman Alan Joyce and Qantas. She also thanked other sponsors of the event, Brian Conroy, IDA Ireland, Yvonne le Bas of Westpac and Brendan Sheehan of WhiteSquires.
Alan Joyce treated guests present with the story of his own upbringing and the support of his family and how important education has been to him. He also told the audience the work of the Australian Ireland Fund is personal and important to him as it provides an opportunity for him to give back to Ireland when it needs it most. As an Australian citizen he is very proud to be associated with the Fund’s work of providing quality education to disadvantaged indigenous Australians through scholarships.
Alan told the Young Leaders present that they are the future of the Fund and he encouraged them to get involved and continue the great work that has been done by The Ireland Funds for over 35 years.
Minister John Perry TD mentioned his enthusiasm for the work of AIF. He thanked Directors, Young Leaders and supporters on behalf of the Irish Government and the people of Ireland not only for their financial support but their concern and friendship from the other side of the world.
Fiona Tuite, wrapped up the speech for the evening by telling how the plight facing Ireland is personal to her and how every little helps, thus encouraging others to join the Fund and help wherever possible.
A special thanks to Qantas for hosting this intimate Networking Evening and to our Guest speakers Alan Joyce and Minister John Perry TD.
The next Young Leaders event is scheduled for Thursday 1 December 2011 at the Opera Bar at 6p.m.
– Teresa Keating, Executive Director