An Irish Christmas in July
23 July 2015
The Sydney Irish Australian community rocked around the Christmas tree on Thursday 23 July last, at the inaugural Australian Ireland Fund Young Leaders Irish Christmas in July party. We were joined by our fantastic regular supporters, plus a host of new faces, no doubt attracted by the promise of mulled wine, silly hats and ridiculous amounts of food – everything that makes Christmas Christmas.
Our generous hosts and sponsors the Republic Hotel let us loose in their newly renovated space, and kindly provided a drink for each guest plus a huge selection of delicious food, including essential mince pies. Our band (hastily named We’ll Wing It on the night) kept everyone in good form and dancing.
The night had a very relaxed and social feel to it and it was great to catch up with old friends, and meet new ones, in our lovely surroundings.
Young Leader Louise Kelly spoke on the evening , she welcomed Sponsors Patrick Ryan (The Republic) and Yvonne Kelly, (Driftwood Recruitment), Executive Director Teresa Keating and fellow Young Leader Committee Members, John Gallagher, Ronan MacSweeney, Siobhan Tuite, Andrea McElhinney, Dylan Carroll, Melissa Fisher. Louise spoke a little about the network and about why she is involved. She reminded the gathering, as they scoffed their Tayto crisps kindly donated by Taste Ireland, that while we were all enjoying ourselves, it was all in aid of charity and great causes. She advised them to remember that when the mulled wine was taking its effects the next morning.
Ronan MacSweeney then conducted the raffle and presentation of prizes. Our raffle prizes were generously sponsored by the Bald Rock Hotel, Balmain, Taste Ireland, Bord Bia and Clyde and Co. Finally, our celebrations were rounded off by the awarding of the prize for the dodgiest/most amazing Christmas jumper, won by Ruth Anderson. And we wound our way home, saying merry Christmas in July to all, and to all a good night.