The American Ireland Fund Pittsburgh Gala
March 15, 2012
An unseasonably warm March day greeted the 500 guests of the American Ireland Fund Pittsburgh Gala at Heinz Field. The warm weather mixed with warm greetings for honoree Leo W. Gerard, International President of United Steel Workers. The evening’s theme, “Forging the Future” was reflected in the décor throughout the East Club. Steel mill smoke stacks in the lobby, a working forge and iron worker, and memorabilia from Mr. Gerard’s long career in the steel industry delighted guests.
Honorary Gala Co-Chair James Rohr assisted United States Ambassador to Ireland Daniel M. Rooney in presenting Mr. Gerard with the AIF Chairman’s Award, while Arthur J. Rooney, II offered a traditional Irish toast. Celebrating the evening’s success were Gala Chairman David Malone with wife Nancy; Gala committee members Patricia Rooney, Gerry Glenn, Michael Mullen, Sylvan Holzer, Greta K. Rooney, Carol Holbay, and David Soltez.