Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Philadelphia Young Leaders Christmas Celebration 2019
Date : Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Venue : Sassafras
Location : 48 S. 2nd Street, Philadelphia
Time : 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Sponsorship and Tickets
$45 – Ticket each
Admission includes two complimentary drinks, hors d’oeuvres
Sponsorship Opportunities
- Recognition as Gold Sponsor of 2019 Philadelphia Young Leaders Christmas Celebration
- Tickets for (20) individuals to event
- Acknowledgement from the podium by the event’s emcee
- Social media coverage including: The Ireland Funds Facebook pages and Twitter before, during and after the event
- Logo recognition on event signage, eblast and website
- Acknowledgment in Connect Magazine, The Ireland Fund’s bi-annual publication with circulation of +10,000
- Tickets for (10) individuals to event
- Acknowledgement from the podium by the event’s emcee
- Social media coverage including: The Ireland Funds Facebook pages and Twitter before, during and after the event
- Logo recognition on event signage and website
- Acknowledgment in Connect Magazine, The Ireland Fund’s bi-annual publication with circulation of +10,000
- Tickets for (5) individuals to event
- Acknowledgement from the podium by the event’s emcee
- Social media coverage including: The Ireland Funds Facebook pages and Twitter before, during and after the event
- Logo recognition on event signage and website